All listings on your Brixwork real estate website can belong to a city and subarea (2 levels of hierarchy). Sometimes you may need to add or enable (publish) different cities to make this work. 

City and Area are the same concept & interchangeable. Neighbourhoods & Subareas are also the same hierarchy referred to in different ways. 

Navigate to the Cities Section in your ADMIN (back-end) area

  1. To Enable an Existing City Or Area
    1. If you have, or have had, MLS® reciprocity on your website, there will be all the cities that the MLS® feed had fed in on the list. 
    2. Simply set the cities you want to see to "PUBLISHED" - this will also enable this city on your MLS® search form that your customers use. 
    3. Remember that this is the top level hierarchy, and also known as "Areas".
  2. Sub-areas, or Neighbourhoods under each city
    1. All cities can have multiple sub-areas/neighbourhoods. 
    2. You cannot enable/disable each individual subarea - whatever is already there (whether manually entered, or from the MLS® feed from your local board) will be there. 
  3. To Add A New City
    1. You can add a new city if you like - click on the "ADD NEW AREA" button at the bottom of the screen.
    2. Be careful to NOT create a new city that is already, or should be, a subarea of an existing city. i.e. "Downtown Vancouver" cannot be a city - there are subareas under "Vancouver West" such as "Downtown VW, Yaletown, Coal Harbour).
  4. To Add A New Neighbourhood
    1. Expand the city/area under which you want to create a new subarea in.
    2. Check that the subarea you want isn't already there, or under a different name.
    3. If you still wish to add the new subarea, click on "Add Subarea" on the City row.
Important note for MLS® Reciprocity subscribers - Custom areas or subareas will not catch any MLS® fed listings unless you set up custom polygons that overrides the default city/area designations from your respective real estate board.